Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dinnerware Artspace Reborn and Repackaged

                               Dinnerware Artspace 
                   Grows into an Art Center.

Over the summer, Dinnerware Artspace and Peach Properties have been quietly collaborating and planning Dinnerware's new location at 119 E. Toole, a 20,000 square foot urban cavern.

Dinnerware is a collective of art galleries: 
Dinnerware Gallery(exhibiting contemporary art)
Central Arts Gallery(contemporary artist collective)
Rocket Gallery(artist studio/exhibition collective)

Dinnerware is a collective of community workshop spaces sharing a common space to create original works of art:

Toole Mud (community ceramics studio for Adults and kids)
Tucson Community Darkroom (photography)
One Potato (Screen Printing Co-op)
Dry Inc Printmaking Collective (Printmaking, etching press)

Dinnerware is a rehearsal space for musicians, actors, and performance artists.

Dinnerware is a space for movement oriented arts including modern dance, yoga, tai chi, chigong, and more.

Dinnerware does lectures on arts, technology, social media, cinema, music, spoken word, storytelling.

Dinnerware has event rental space.

Dinnerware is courtyard cuisine, expressos, teas, scones, wifi, and entertainment by local musicians.

The high speed wified outdoor docks offer table meeting space for graphic designers meeting with new clients or creating new blogs, designing websites, just updating Facebook pages, or twittering about an art exhibition.

The new space will be the new home for Ignite Tucson, the quarterly event that offers creatives a 5 minute microphone and Powerpoint presentation to present their creative endeavors to the public.

This will be the new home for Dinnerware's Fashion Shows.

Local musicians will have the opportunity to try out new songs in front of small or large audiences.

Dinnerware Artspace is Tucson Arts District's community art center. Artists exhibit their newest works and their newest explorations here.

The new Dinnerware Artspace has ongoing art installations, as a permanent feature in its line up.

Dinnerware Artspace will be in full operation by December 2010. Before then, small events, and tours, introducing the new site will take place.

Be sure to become a Fan of Dinnerware Artspace on Facebook at:

The Grand Opening will be in January 2011.

David Aguirre