What is the I Ching,
and how will it improve my life?
Hosted by Yum Yum Stretch. Kim Young will be in Tucson Monday, July 25th to conduct two classes on the applications of the I Ching. ... Beginners Class 5-6:30 p.m - a beginners class for those who are new to the I Ching and wish to learn how to use it.. $10.00 Intermediate Class for those familiar with the I Ching with it’s applications of The Oracle of the Cosmic Way 7-9:00 p.m $15.00 Both classes are based on Carol Anthony’s book, “I Ching, The Oracle of the Cosmic Way” which will be available for purchase in paperback for $20 at the time of the class. Cash, check, credit card accepted. Please RSVP: kimyoung99@gmail.com Why the I Ching? The purpose of the I Ching is to show us the true causes and effects of events happening in our lives. The I Ching helps us understand that the causes of discomfort lie in personal beliefs that contradict Cosmic Intention. The I Ching also describes the help that is available to us to carry out course corrections, returning to the true meaning of our lives. The I Ching is partly Taoist philosophy, psychology, and quantum theory in an oracle form. Its contents engage the open-minded with sometimes startling dialogue, springing to life for the asking. It’s gift offering is only self-knowledge, providing a gateway to clarity for your individual life path. What is the meaning behind difficult experiences? What truth is Cosmic Intention trying to convey to you?: Learning the I Ching is an art form to be learned and integrated into daily life. Sincerity is its only requirement. If one is seriously in need of guidance say about a deeper nagging question of "who they are", or what they are feeling, this ancient book in it's new form may be indispensable. It provides an infinite source of wisdom. Kim Young will share her experience with the I Ching providing insights in class from that experience. Kim received training at the I Ching Institute in Stow, Massachusetts and has been a practitioner for over 15 years. See the basic mechanics of the use of the use of the I Ching: http://www.youtube.com/wat | |